Gideon Pingkihan
In this edition, we are privileged to feature the inspiring ministry journey of Bishop Donald V. Soriano, the Director of Bethesda Ministries International and the founder of the Calvary Gospel Tabernacle Inc. in the Philippines. His story serves as a testament to God's call and provision in advancing His kingdom.
We also delve into the theme of "Compassion," a topic especially significant as we enter the holiday season. This season of giving and reflection reminds us of the ultimate act of compassion: God sending His Son to die on the cross for our sins.
Describing the character of God may seem daunting, but the Bible consistently portrays Him as compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and overflowing with loyal love and faithfulness. In the Bible, God's compassion is consistently shown as both an emotional and active reality, revealing an emotional depth and an active commitment to His people.
In Deuteronomy 4:29-31, we see how God responds when His people return to Him in obedience. He does not forsake them but shows mercy and restores them, a powerful reminder of His steadfast love.
Thank you once again for journeying with us this year. May the coming year bring you deeper faith, greater joy, and countless blessings.
In His service,
Gideon L. Pingkihan
EGM Times Associate Editor